By Ciaran James@TheCiaranJames

With the recent WWE Superstar Shake-Up many superstars now have a new chapter to write, however 7 hours of WWE wrestling still exists each week, GASP! It’s a slog getting through all of it, so sit back, relax and enjoy the best bits as I filter through the garbage and deliver the best of what WWE has to offer. Enjoy! 


Get Roman Cheers

Large & Little



Squash matches still work

Daniel meet Jeff


Five years ago this would have been a MOTY contender


Dream a little Ricochet Lars

WWE’s No1 babyface

*NEW* Special highlight of the Week

WWE UK Championship Tournament 1st Round Matches

Not exactly WWE related by Chris Jericho is a future WWE HOF, and this promo for NJPW is an examples why